majority of Australians 'vote with their feet' against
biodiversity and for a monoculture of pets. Modern humans (Homo sapiens) formed an
alliance with dogs early on to eradicate the local population.
Through a long process of
domestication (
dysgenics) they
erased the wolf out of the ancient
canine and ended up with an
obedient dog that satisfied the desires of the master.
From the beginning, colonial society took a "dog-privileged view of the Australian landscape...The story begins with the arrival of the First Fleet. ‘From the earliest watercolours of the former prisoners, captains and surveyors, we get dogs as part of colonial life' " (
source). After the introduction of '
English breeds', national identity could be established. (Leaving aside the
Aboriginal Australians' culture and the
dingo here).
"By the 1950s Australia ‘rode on the sheep’s back’; those who grew the wool had come to symbolise and epitomise what it was to be Australian." (
source) The dog became an important
factor of production to whom one could outsource mustering introduced
hoofed animals.
By now one could say, the country is 'riding on the dog's back'. Having largely
deserted agriculture and manufacturing, avoiding value-added activities and resorting to
digging big holes, or
clear cutting forests, the
service industry is the sector where identity is established.
At the
end of the mining boom wealth has been established for
some. For the great majority, "
pets continue to power the economy". This country has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world, spending
$1.4 billion p.a. Goods and services previously afforded for human beings only are now spent on dogs.

The dog, unlike
non-human members of the
great ape family, (
Hominidae) has been
truly included in the '
human family'. Being 'one of us', pets live the consumer's way of life and fuel the economy. The daily
meat, mostly
repurposed wildlife, accessories, bedding, clothing, prams, toys, medical services, insurances, vets, pet shops, dog trainers,
therapists, medication, minders, groomers, hairdressers, canine boutiques, dog manicure,
cafe access, tailored
holiday accommodation and dogs' frequent flyers etc etc. And of course the right
cars or taxi to drive the pack to the
public 'loo'. Councils hold special events for dog lovers. Government collects tax. A serious economic factor with very strong interests and a lobby.
For the master the captive creature is in a hierarchical relation of permanent access. Unlike wildlife, the subordinate beast promises instant gratification for the mistresses' commands. The animal serves as a projection surface for human needs - as a friend, toy, partner, security guard, lover or punching bag. The pet owner can for once bathe in fantasies of omnipotence and power. Images of wet kisses are all-pervasive, sharing one's bed with the pack is also common. After centuries of removing the human out of the stable, people turn their dwellings back into stables for leisure pets.
The days of owning one dog are long gone, now they are
hoarded in human housing, one can see dog walkers with
four in harness, or outsourced to
dog walkers with
eight. Couples seem to express their individuality by each having two distinctive dogs. Whether people get their identity from the their decorative ornaments or priced commodity, all appear low maintenance compared to human offspring or friends.
In the 36,000 years of co-evolution of dogs and humans, the wolf has learned to manipulate the human via eye-gazing behaviour, '
puppy eyes' release a "
love hormone" or "cuddle hormone" in the human being. The
zombified pet owners structure their life to suit their pack. The dogs take charge.
Most pet owners in NSW seem to belong to a stay-at-home cast that service these animals 24/7. Only the best of the native landscapes will do for their 'darlings':
beaches, national parks and nature reserves. They take 'a dog’s eye view of the landscape'. As the dog is mistaken for 'nature', one wouldn't want to restrain it, but let it become one with it. Unleashed, they
hunt wildlife (
little penguins,
shorebirds etc) and quite frequently
maul toddlers and
walkers. Should a pedestrian approach the owner, pointing out that 'dogs are not allowed here', they mutate into vicious pit bulls. Forests of
signs are ignored, authorities are turning 'a blind eye' and fines are paltry.
In sub-urbia they prefer to unload their sewage near the beach, unpack the van and let them go. The backyard does become rather smelly after some time. Full plastic bags are found on the beach, hang in vegetation or are in the drains. The majority does
not pick up the sloppy
poo, it stays as dung on the endless lawns on which people have their
zoonotic picnics. The giant amounts of recycled meat also fuel the toxic algal blooms in the surf nicely.
Should the owners have other commitments (work) or have to attend parties, the dogs are left at home barking for hours and hours. (
video) Sometimes a family toy disappoints, as puppy changes its form, it becomes a throw-away toy and a new cute baby dog is consumed. The market is also very determined by fashion influences. Should one have an outdated brand, it is time to update and dump the old one in a pound. In the holiday season many just open the door on the highway and 'the problem' is solved.
dumped, neglected and roaming dogs in rural and peri-urban regions are then termed 'ferals'. The unwanted ballast is socialised. The 'set-free' dogs are a threat for people, wildlife and the livestock industry. From time to time mass poisoning (
1080) actions take place that kill mainly the Australian endemic dingoes. No word is lost on the roaming and dumped pets gone feral.
"Australia has the worst mammal extinction rate in the world" (
source) As a mega diverse, developed country people choose to entertain huge menageries of introduced animals detrimental to the endemic biodiversity. The current Australian
business- as-usual trajectory will make the harsh continent even more hostile for all living beings. The
intentional ignorance on climate disruption even further
accelerates the extinction risk for Australian animals.
But they want pampered pooches.....
More on the family package:
And then?
The roaming dogs of Bellingen mauling livestock and pets
The Bellingen courier, 19.05.2015
Have we turned dogs into lazy thinkers through domestication?
When dogs look back: inhibition of independent problem-solving behaviour in domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) compared with wolves (Canis lupus)
Exporting dogs to Asia,
abc 12.12.2015
PNAS: "Bottlenecks and selective sweeps during domestication have increased deleterious genetic variation in dogs"
Detail of Venus and the Organ Player c. 1550
Coffs Harbour sound sample, but it could be in
Bellingen too)
Riding on the Sheep's Back, Blue sheep and golden dog sculpture
Public mural
Public service to collect dog feces
TrĂŒbner, Heinrich Wilhelm, Great Dane with Sausage, 1878
See also
Cura, A story about care for biodiversity
Hungry Head Beach Going to the Dogs