Internal combustion powered bikes of all sizes are common in the Bellingen area and NSW. The mostly unlicensed, unregistered and uninsured trail bikes/motorcycles drive on private lands, public roads, forests and National Parks. The roaring noise pollution can be heard over great distances.
Recently a woman walking across a pedestrian crossing at a shopping centre was was hit by a motorcyle. "Five young people were allegedly involved in a 'callous' hit-and-run incident...the CCTV captured the group driving dangerously." Police reported that "at this time of year of course you've got kids on school holidays... sometimes kids are unsupervised" (source) The woman "suffered catastrophic injuries" (very severe head injuries) and her life support was switched off. Andrea Lehane, 34, left behind two small children and a partner.
As with the usual daily car-nage there are a few days of news of the 'mini-motorcycle crash'. With such 'accidents' follows the usual public mourning (on social media) which takes the form of roadside memorials, candlelight vigils, altars, plastic balloons, flower arrangements and the collection of money. After that they all proceed to 'hit the road' of climate extremes again and 'business as usual.'

In a car dependent nation, 'accidents' are integral to this mode of transport. The 'road toll' appears to be like a sacrifice to fossil fuel mobility. The daily killing and maiming, the 'hit and run', road-kill and road-rage, driveway 'incidents' and burnouts hog the news. Vehicles are 'out of control' in a dysfunctional system of mobility.
In the above case charges have been laid: " Caleb Jakobsson, 18, has been charged with culpable driving, failing to stop and render assistance, unlicensed driving and using an unregistered motorcycle. "
"A 17-year-old from Seaford has been charged with reckless conduct endangering life, reckless conduct endangering persons, as well as charges for unlicensed riding of an unregistered vehicle..." (source) A 15-year-old boy was released without charge." (source).
Questions a social gadfly might ask:
Why is it unsafe to walk on a pedestrian crossing in a public area?
Why is it risky to walk?
Why did a human being have to die?
Why were minors out of control?
Why were the children/adult so ‘calous’ to not stop at the pedestrian crossing?
Where was their socialised ‘impulse control’ to refrain and stop once they realised a person was injured?
Will the carers of the offending children change their pedagogic regime?
What did the parents/ carers think where these unlicensed and unregistered trail bikes were going?
Who gave permission for minors to ride these machines?
What sort of 're-creation' (for children) is this?
Why is this suffering and damage bestowed on a household?
Will the damage done to those left behind be 'compensated' by the families of the minors?
Why were unregistered bikes tolerated in the street/ suburb and city/state?
Will people intervene when seeing/hearing vehicles not allowed on roads?
Where was the effective enforcement?
Will the regulator/s take action?
Why is motor racing as 'sport' or 'recreation' modelled as desirable?
Why are all participants and social agents so tolerant of lawbreaking?
Will anything meaningfully change?
Angels (Angelus Novus) - a meditation on progress